Friday, January 9, 2009

Combat Sinus Pressure with Alkaline Water

Have you ever had a sinus headache? Not just a little sinus pressure, but the kind of sinus headache that hurts so badly you’d just as soon slam your hand in a car door as suffer another one. If you've never experienced a terrible sinus headache, you're among the more lucky individuals in the world. Unfortunately, the onset of sinus headache is far more common than most people realize. Sinus problems seem to be becoming more and more prevalent in America today. Because of this, pharmaceutical companies, and other generic drug companies are manufacturing sinus medicine at alarming rates. The good news is that there are ways to combat terrible sinus pressure and sinus pain without consuming a virtual arsenal of sinus medication. In fact, by utilizing the techniques outlined below, you can avoid the need for sinus medication altogether.

The best way to ensure that you live sinus pain free for the rest of your life is through the consumption of an alkaline diet. Alkaline eating includes the consumption of water rich alkaline foods and, of course, the consumption of adequate amounts of alkaline water. Believe it or not, alkaline water and maintaining an alkaline physiological system will not only prevent the onset of sinus pressure, but will also help you to avoid common cold, the flu virus, standard migraine headaches, and a host of other infection related ailments.

You see, and as we've discussed before, bacteria cannot live in an alkaline system. So it goes without saying, that if you maintain an alkaline system, you will avoid the onset of bacterial illness. If it's possible to avoid the onset of strep throat, the common cold, tonsillitis, and even allergies like hay fever and dust allergy, simply through the consumption of a moderate amount of alkaline water, why would you elect to make any other choice? Consider embarking on a regimen of regular alkaline eating today. You'll find that adding alkaline water to your current diet and exercise routine is both easy and convenient, and will certainly offer you a host of benefits in the long run. So save yourself some trouble, some pain, and some money on sinus medication by switching to an alkaline program today. You'll feel better, look better, and you'll enjoy the extra jingle of change in your pocket.

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